There was something that I forgot to take care of this morning. We were supposed to choose our focus for the term paper on "The Creation". In broad strokes the intention is that after you have read "The Creation" you should choose in what manner you would like to take a whack at the book. For example:
- from a Biology perspective you could find references that are critical of the authors facts or analysis on the perils facing biodiversity and global environmental issues.
- from a Theology perspective you could try to find the authors position in terms of existing theological thought and discuss how it stands up to critical/biblical analysis.
- from a Philosophical position on the relationship of Faith and Science one could determine the authors position and check it for consistency within his own writings and within in his own academic community.
- if you can find different critical position to analyze the text you are welcome to propose a term paper focus. We had already had one student sign-up for addressing the text from a Historical perspective.
That consistency point is a good one, it would be interesting to see if the authors position (biologically, theologically, philosophically etc.) is a new one (both Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould faced a long slide into death and in that period of their lives both wrote books similar to this one).
It is time to choose. I will not allow more than four students to sign up for the same focus. You can sign up in the comments section of this posting (you do not need to leave your name just your ABU student number.
The term paper focus positions that I have so far:
Biology: Std # 201066
Theology: Std # 204213
Historical: Std # 204232
Theology: Std # 203262
Biology: Std # 204199
Theology: Std # 203181
Theology is now closed as a focus.
Philosophy: Std # 204315
Biology: Std# 205112
Biology is now closed as a focus.
Biology Std # 204217
Biology is now closed as a focus.
Philosophical Student # 203177
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