"If anyone is hungry, let him eat at home"
I Corinthians 11 : v. 22 and v. 34.
I am well aware that my courses this semester are early in the morning. I live with my wife, three teenage boys and a dog. We have one bathroom. The logistics involved in getting us all out the door to jobs and school before 8:00 AM are considerable. But every morning we get it done one way or the other.
I understand that stealing some time in the morning by eating in my class seems to be a perfect solution to the time crunch but it has become so common and, to tell the truth, so distracting because of the nature of some of the breakfasts that are coming to class that I am going to have to shut it all down. No more eating in my classes. I am tired of the rustling, crackling, masticating and non-hydrogenated diary bi-product spreading. In one class recently I looked up to see almost half the class masticating openly with dreamy far-away looks. There will be no dreamy far-away looks in my class. No, I want you startled and attentive. On the other hand you are welcome to continue to bring beverages into class. And yes, I am serious about this, students that bring breakfast to class will be asked to leave. If I was able to persuade the football players at Saint Mary's University not to eat in my early morning classes then I can do the same with you.
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