Friday, January 26, 2007

Prof. H ... So how do you generate a weekly subjective evaluation mark?

Good question.

After each RS 3853 lecture I go over my notes and assign marks for each student based on attendance / attention, participation and quality of participation.

So far (and I may tweek this as I go along this semester) this has been:
attendance / attention out of 4
participation out of 3
quality out of 3

So the total weekly sub. eval. mark is out of 10.

This means that an average student that attends class (on time), pays attention and makes some contribution to class is most likely to get 4 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 7/10. That is pretty much how I have done it so far. Students that make online contributions will get marks added to the global subjective evaluation based on the last two criteria.

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