Thursday, December 14, 2006

RS 3853 The Other Books

The texts described in the previous post are designed to show the wide range of topics that fall under Faith and Science, define some basic vocabulary and provide at least a simple framework for discussion. They are in fact to prepare us for the three major texts of this course. Your reading commitment to this course will be about 60 pages of university level text per week. For an average student that means a commitment of 3 - 5 hours of actual reading / thinking prior to the weekly class.

Brooke is the primary text describing the HISTORICAL interaction of Christianity with the Natural Sciences. We will not read all of it but five weeks of the semester will be devoted to it and the topics it discusses.

Polkinhorne is what we will be reading at the end of the course. It describes the CURRENT interactions of Faith and Science in THEOLOGICAL terms.

You will write your "naked essay" on Wilson. Before the mid-term break you will need to have read the text and have chosen a framework for analysis (historical, theological or scientific). The week after the break you will produce an annotated bibliography to support the naked essay and a couple weeks after that we will write the naked essay.

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